Mt Gibson

© Brad Leue/AWC

Quick Facts

Mt. Gibson
  • Size/area: 131,812 hectares
  • Bioregion: Avon Wheatbelt, Yalgoo
  • Mammals: 39
  • Birds: 147
  • Reptiles: 67
  • Amphibians: 6
  • Threatened Wildlife: 12
  • Plants: 664
  • Threatened Plants: 10

Our work at this Sanctuary

© Wayne Lawler/AWC
© Wayne Lawler/AWC
© Wayne Lawler/AWC
© Brad Leue/AWC

The Sanctuary

Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary covers a vast 131,812 hectares, about 350 kilometres north-east Perth on the traditional lands of the Badimia people. The property straddles a botanically rich transition zone between two major botanical provinces, and protects an incredible diversity of both flora and fauna. The sanctuary is the site of one of Australia’s most ambitious mammal reintroduction projects, involving the construction and rewilding of a 7,838 hectare feral-free area.

The varied landscape of Mt Gibson – featuring Lake Moore, rugged greenstone ranges, granite ridges and vast sandplains – provides refuge for an impressive assortment of mammal, bird and reptile species, including the endangered Malleefowl and Western Spiny-tailed Skink, and cryptic mammals such as Woolley’s Pseudantechinus.

The topography and underlying geology of the property are complex and rainfall is extremely variable. However, summers are always hot. Mt Gibson was run as a sheep station before AWC acquired it, but it was never heavily stocked and the integrity of the soil and vegetation suffered very little damage.

As part of the mammal reintroduction project taking place at Mt Gibson, AWC has established a 7,838 hectare feral-free area – the largest cat and fox-free area on mainland WA – into which 10 regionally extinct mammals have been reintroduced. This single property will therefore play a critical role in providing a secure future for nearly 10 per cent of Australia’s nationally threatened mammals.

The property supports some of the last great Wheatbelt stands of magnificent eucalypt woodlands, as well as a host of other rare and declining vegetation communities, and up to 30 threatened plant species. So far, 664 plant species have been confirmed for the sanctuary, but the number increases with nearly every survey, and it is likely that there are 700-800 present. There are at least 40 eucalypt species on the sanctuary. The eucalypt woodlands cover around 60,000 hectares (half of the property), and include Salmon, Gimlet and York gum.

Mt Gibson is a hotspot for acacias – 60 species have been confirmed so far, several of which are listed as threatened. In partnership with the WA Department of Parks and Wildlife, AWC has established new populations of two of the rarest acacias – Gibson Wattle (Acacia imitans) and Ninghan Wattle (Acacia unguicula) – by nurturing several hundred of them in a herbivore-free area on the sanctuary.

Every few years, when large downpours occur at the right time, Mt Gibson puts on a vivid floral display. There are about 25 species of grevilleas and hakeas and at least 20 species of eremophila. Dense carpets of multicoloured flowers form (60 Asteraceae species confirmed on the sanctuary), and hillsides are covered with myrtaceous shrubs with seasonal pink and white blossoms.

Wildlife at Mt Gibson

Mt Gibson supports a high diversity of wildlife including many birds that have declined significantly in the WA Wheatbelt, such as Malleefowl and Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo, as well as Peregrine Falcon and Australian Bustard. The small mammal fauna includes four species of dunnarts, two species of hopping-mice and the Southern Ningaui. The reptile community features the iconic Perentie and Thorny Devil, as well as lesser-known species such as the endangered Western Spiny-tailed Skink.

Even the invertebrate communities are impressive; on one early biological survey, more than 100 species of native bees were collected by the South Australian Museum and, of these, 50 species were new to science.

However, as with much of inland Australia, the region in which Mt Gibson is located has lost a high proportion of its original mammal fauna. Around half of the mammals that were originally found in the Wheatbelt and adjacent arid zone have disappeared as a result of feral predators, loss of habitat and the effect of feral herbivores.

Mt Gibson is playing a critical role in reversing this tide of extinctions. Ten species have been reintroduced to the sanctuary so far, including the Greater Bilby, Numbat, Banded Hare-wallaby, the Woylie/Brush-tailed Bettong, Shark Bay Mouse, Red-tailed Phascogale, Greater Stick-nest Rat and the Western Barred Bandicoot. Outside the fence, AWC has reintroduced the Brushtail Possum and Chuditch/Western Quoll.

AWC Field Programs at Mt Gibson

The primary focus of field programs at Mt Gibson sanctuary has been the establishment of the largest feral cat and fox-free area on mainland WA, allowing for the reintroduction of a suite of threatened mammals.

Feral cats and foxes occur at high densities across much of southwestern Australia. Outside of the feral-free area at Mt Gibson, a range of strategies are employed to reduce the density of feral predators, such as baiting and shooting. While baiting can be employed to reduce fox densities, there is no effective landscape-scale control for cats. AWC is at the forefront of efforts to develop effective strategies for cat control. Feral goats and rabbits are the only feral herbivores outside the fenced area at Mt Gibson. Goat densities are now low thanks to a dedicated program of shooting and trapping, combined with a reduction in artificial watering points. Rabbits are controlled through shooting, baiting and ripping of warrens. Both goats and rabbits require ongoing management.

The fire management strategy for Mt Gibson aims to prevent extensive, intense wildfires which can alter the structure and integrity of woodlands and shrublands. Firebreaks have been installed to protect the feral-free area and to break up the property in the event of wildfire. The property is relatively weed-free, although there are several species that are being progressively removed through a combination of chemical treatment and manual removal.

Scientific data from ecological surveys underlies all of the land management strategies at Mt Gibson. Survey effort is informed by the Ecohealth Monitoring Plan. Currently, surveys focus on the outcomes of reintroductions, inside and outside the fence; the consequences of baiting and other control measures for the activity of feral predators outside the fence; and the consequences of establishing a ‘safe haven’ for extant fauna and flora inside and outside the fence.

The establishment of the Neville Tichbon Field Research Station at Mt Gibson has made the sanctuary a hub for scientific activity in the region. It provides a well-equipped base from which AWC ecologists and our scientific partners can examine a range of key issues relating to biodiversity and the restoration of mammal populations, the conservation of the extraordinary flora of southwestern Australia and related issues such as fire management and feral animal control.

Wildlife translocations at Mt Gibson

The establishment of a large feral-free area at Mt Gibson has enabled the reintroduction of a suite of threatened mammal species. Conservation fencing is the only current strategy which effectively protects susceptible threatened mammals from foxes and cats. Some of the mammals that have been reintroduced – such as the Shark Bay Bandicoot, the Greater Stick-nest Rat and the Banded Hare-wallaby – now survive only on offshore (cat-free) islands or within mainland, fenced islands.

The specially designed feral-proof fence is 43 kilometres long, built around 7,800 hectares of the best habitat on Mt Gibson. The fence is 1.82 metres high with a skirt, an overhang and electric wires. It took nine months to construct.

The Mt Gibson Wildlife Restoration Project involves the reintroduction of at least 10 regionally extinct mammal species, nine of which are nationally threatened. Reintroductions started in September 2015 and include: Greater Bilby (reintroduced between 2016-2018), Numbat (2016-2018), Brush-tailed Bettong (2015-2018), Western Barred Bandicoot (2017-2019), Red-tailed Phascogale (2017-2019), Greater Stick-nest Rat (2015-2019), Banded Hare-wallaby (2017-2018), Shark Bay Mouse (2017-2018), Brushtail Possum (2021-2022) and Western Quoll/Chuditch (2023-24).

The importance of the Mt Gibson project is immense. This single project will deliver a significant increase in nearly 10  per cent of Australia’s threatened mammal species. Once target population numbers are reached, the project will increase the global Numbat population by around 24 per cent, and the Banded Hare-wallaby population by around 56 per cent.

The Mt Gibson project has been informed by science. AWC ecologists have conducted a detailed habitat analysis to ensure the right mix of habitats within the feral-free area; have defined reintroduction strategies for highly threatened mammal species; and will be monitoring the health of reintroduced mammal populations.

South 32 funding for Mt Gibson

South32 is providing funding to support AWC’s wildlife conservation project at Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary. South32’s funding will be used to provide financial support for science and ecological health monitoring, conservation and land management operations; and feral animal control at Mount Gibson.

The untied, much-needed two year funding will be applied to:

  • Science and Ecological Health Monitoring
  • Conservation and land management operations
  • Feral animal control
  • Western Quoll Translocation outside fence (Year 1 and 2)
  • Woylie Translocation outside fence (Year 2)
  • Program management

Wildlife protected at this Sanctuary

Brad Leue/AWC

Greater Stick-nest Rat

The Greater Stick-nest Rat is a guinea pig-sized native rodent which builds a large communal home out of sticks and stones.

© Kim Wormald


The Malleefowl is a large ground-dwelling bird and one of only three mound-building bird species in Australia.

© Brad Leue/AWC

Banded Hare-wallaby

The Banded Hare-wallaby is the sole survivor of an ancient group of kangaroos which included the giant short-faced kangaroos.

Threats To Wildlife Awc Mt Gibson © AWC

Threats to Wildlife

Feral cats and foxes have caused widespread collapse in Australia’s mammal populations, and are a serious ongoing predation threat. Conservation fences are one of the most effective strategies to prevent further extinctions of small and medium sized mammals, as there is currently no landscape-scale control method for feral cats (although AWC is conducting extensive research into potential strategies). Reintroduction projects like the one at Mt Gibson play a critical role in the conservation of Australia’s threatened species.

Latest news from the field

Wayne Lawler/AWC
Feature 19 Jun. 2024



























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