Privacy Policy

© Brad Leue/AWC
Policy Statement

AWC respects and is committed to protecting the personal information entrusted to us in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act) and other laws which protect the privacy of individuals. This policy explains how AWC collects, uses, discloses and otherwise handles personal information relating to individuals, whether or not they are employees.  It also explains how you can ask to access and correct the personal information we hold about you or complain about any suspected privacy breach.  We will sometimes handle personal information relying on exemptions under these laws including the exemptions in the Privacy Act applicable to not-for-profit organisations and employee records. Any permitted handling under such exemptions will take precedence over this policy.

Purpose & Application

The purpose of this policy is to provide an outline of the sort of personal information that AWC holds and the way this information is handled

This policy is separated into sections relating to the various groups of individuals AWC comes into contact with and explains how AWC collects, uses, discloses and otherwise handles personal information. It also explains how you can ask to access and correct the personal information we hold about you, opt out of receiving information, or complain about any suspected privacy breach. Nothing in this policy limits any of our other obligations at law.

These groups are:

  • Donor / Supporter
  • Volunteer
  • Prospective employee
  • Employee
  • Contractor / Consultant
  • Director / Officer
  • Website visitor
  • Participants at our events
  • Visitors to our sanctuaries

Click here to download the full privacy policy as it relates to these groups

Everyone who performs work at AWC, including Directors, employees, contractors, consultants, volunteers, interns, students, researchers and any other person contributing to, engaged with, or on behalf of AWC has an obligation to act in accordance with this policy and AWC’s privacy obligations when coming into contact with another individual’s personal information.

Collection of Personal Information

Unsolicited personal information

Where AWC receives unsolicited personal information, it will assess in a reasonable time whether it could have collected the information as described above. If yes, AWC will comply with this policy in relation to that personal information. If not, AWC will destroy or de-identify the personal information as soon as reasonably practical if lawful and reasonable to do so.

Sensitive information and health information

“Sensitive information” means personal information about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual orientation or practice, or criminal record. Sensitive information also includes “health information” about an individual and some genetic information.

“Health information” means personal information about the health or disability (at any time) of an individual; an individual’s expressed wishes about the future provision of health services to him or her; or a health service provided, or to be provided, to an individual. Health information also includes genetic information about an individual in a form that is, or could be, predictive of the health of the individual or a genetic relative of the individual.

AWC only collects sensitive information, including health information, from a person:

  • with the consent of that person and where the information is necessary for one or more of our functions or activities;
  • where the information relates to the activities of the AWC and also relates solely to the individuals who have regular contact with AWC in connection with its activities; or
  • where we are otherwise authorised by law to collect such information without the person’s consent.

Sensitive information is otherwise treated in the same manner as personal information under this policy.

Anonymity & Pseudonymity

Individuals have the option of not identifying themselves, or of using a pseudonym, when dealing with AWC in relation to a particular matter.

This does not apply if, in relation to that matter:

  • AWC is required or authorised by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order, to deal with individuals who have identified themselves; or
  • It is impractical for AWC to deal with individuals who have not identified themselves or who have used a pseudonym.
Storage and security of personal information

AWC handles personal information electronically and in hard copy form. In either case, we take reasonable steps to protect against misuse, interference and loss of that personal information as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. AWC will only keep personal information on file for as long as necessary to fulfil its business needs or legal requirements. When AWC no longer requires the personal information, it will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information.

If you become aware of any security breach, please contact the Privacy Officer as soon as possible on the number noted in clause 18.

Opting Out

By providing us with your contact details, your consent to receive communications and direct educational material will remain current until you advise us otherwise. However, you can opt out at any time through the following channels:

  • By Mail – Australian Wildlife Conservancy – PO Box 8070, Subiaco East, WA, 6008
  • By Email –
  • By telephone – +61 08 9380 9633
  • Through the unsubscribe function on AWC email subscriptions
Quality of Personal Information

AWC takes reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. However, the accuracy of that information depends to a large extent on the information you provide.

We recommend that you:

  • let us know if there are any errors in your personal information; and,
  • keep us up-to date with changes to your information

To make any corrections send updates in writing to the HR Manager based at head office at the address noted in the Opting Out clause.

Access to Personal Information

You are able to access your personal information that we hold, with some exceptions as allowed by law. To obtain a copy of your personal information, send a written request to the HR Manager (address noted in the opting out clause), requesting the information and we will provide it to you.  If we refuse your request, or if we refuse to give you access in the manner you requested, AWC’s policy is to provide you with written confirmation of the reasons for our refusal and the available complaint process.


If you have a complaint about how AWC has collected, stored or used your personal information, please contact AWC’s head office, via email – We will endeavour to deal with your complaint and take any steps necessary to respond to the matter within 10 business days.  All complaints will be handled impartially.

If your complaint is unable to be responded to within 10 business days, AWC will advise you in writing including letting you know when we expect to provide our response.

If you are unhappy with our response, you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner following the complaints guidelines on the website

Please contact AWC if you have any queries about the personal information that AWC holds about you or the way we use or disclose that personal information. Our contact details are set out below.

Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Contact: Privacy Officer
Ph: 08 9380 9633 / Email:
Address: PO Box 8070, Subiaco East, WA, 6008


Click here to download the full privacy policy.


























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